Nursery Facilities

From sensory activities and messy play to communication development and learning, we are able to help your child grow. Our facilities allow us to provide care and an excellent learning environment.
Bognor Regis Nursery
The nursery is registered for a maximum of 80 children aged 3 months – 5 years.
The nursery consists of: Entrance, 2 x Play rooms, 2 x Toilet area with nappy changing facilities, Sleeping area, Office, Kitchen, Staff room and 2 x Outside areas
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7.30am-6pm
We offer care for children over 51 weeks per year or on a ‘term time’ only basis. Please see the charging policies relevant to each nursery as prices do differ.
We work as a team, to provide quality care for your child in a positive learning environment. The children learn whilst playing in a stimulating, safe and relaxing atmosphere.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for all children. We plan for their individual interests and encourage independence by ensuring that our equipment is fully accessible to the children.
The children are encouraged to move between the main room and the garden with their own independence and staff are deployed accordingly.
All activities and toys that are provided indoors may also be provided outdoors, so the children gain their experiences indoors and outdoors.
We provide areas for dressing up, role play, a home corner, computer, construction area, cozy area, creative area, literacy and maths and of course our snack and meals.
The children are able to choose the activities that they are interested in, which enables the staff to engage with the children fully.
The nursery can provide breakfast, lunch and tea or families can choose to provide their own. We do provide a mid morning and mid afternoon snack. We can also cater for any allergies or preferences.
Our lunchtime meal is currently provided by Zebedees and they nutritionally analyse meals to ensure a healthy balanced diet.
The nursery has 2 children’s bathroom areas with low level toilets as well as low level sinks. We encourage the children to access the bathroom when they need to and a practitioner is always nearby to help if needed. The bathroom also has potties for those learning to use the toilet as well as nappy changing facilities. There are picture prompts in the bathroom to remind children to wash their hands once they have used the toilet or potty to promote healthy habits.
We have areas where the children can hang their bags and coats. We also have baskets available for their shoes/welly boots. We encourage children to bring in suitable clothing for all weathers including rain coats, hats and gloves as well as sun hats. We provide spare sun cream in case you forget some for your child or unless they have sensitive skin.
The nursery has 2 outside areas. We operate as ‘free flow’ so the children and staff can flow with the activities they are doing inside and out. We have a large range of equipment in the garden which includes climbing frames, bikes, scooters, playhouses, sand pit & mud kitchen.
Most of the toys and equipment can be used inside or outside. As a nursery team we continually change and adapt the environment to suit the needs and interests of the children as we follow their individual learning and development to support and enable them to reach their full potential.
Enrol Your Child Today
Email us on or use the link below to register your interest in enrolling your child with Bright Starts Day Nursery in Bognor Regis.